The Levinson Sound?

I have never listened to a Mark Levinson amp, but am curious as to what sound characteristics they have, especially the older amps from the 90's. How do they compare to say Pass Labs amps? Any info would be appreciated.
I've often heard that Levinson's amps have a "dark" sound to them. What does this mean? I see the 33 and 33H's come up for sale from time to time and wondered if they are as good as folks let on. They are out of my price-range but I am curious about them.
I feel the 3 series is still the best amp Levinson has made today. I have owned 331, 334.332 and now the 335. In all fairness i have heard the 4 series and did not like them at all. The newer 5 series i have not heard them enough to pass opinion. The 3 series had the cap problem, but once corrected is a great amp. To me it was the older Levinson pre amps that sounded dark not the amps. The Levinson 3 series does not have the bass slam that the Krells of the same age had. But for me they where better across the board. For me the best cable to put with the 3 series is Transparent cable the Reference line or higher.  I have had friends tell me when they listen to my system that it has a tube quality sound when matched up. The Highs and Mids are very detailed and sweet sounding.
enjoy Pete

Thanks! for sharing- 68pete

did you ever listen to the ML No. 383 integrated ?

Happy Listening!

FWIW…. I’d say so far, these posts are on point with the Levinson sound attributes.

I’ve only heard ML with ML pre & amp, using Maggie 20s.

IMO, being very blunt and a bit insensitive, listening to Levinson is like listening to an amp which has to have a sheet thrown over each speaker while the music is playing. Maybe that’s the ‘dark’ aspect. They sound ‘polite’. Deep resounding bass. But IMO just to civil and not keen on leading edge definition. However, not tube like.

I’d say they are surely accurate and musical, but the presentation for me, is not demonstrative or engaging enough. At least in the setup I heard. Imaging was spectacular, albeit mild mannered..

Their builds enable some fairly tuff load speakers to be driven surprisingly well.

Could be a solution for bright sounding speakers.

IMHO age is another consideration. There are loads of nice well mannered amps around that don’t have the Levinson name plate which are contemporary or recent . production.

The cap issue referred to earlier is fact with age. A friend of mine has had a couple of them and needed to get that work done on his.

Krell amps, for example, of the same vintage or era would be the antithesis of ML amps.

Look around. Have fun at any length. Good luck.

Hello jafant
I have not had the pleasure of the Mark Levinson 383, other than a audio show just for a couple of minutes.