Anyone heard the new Focal Grande Utopia EM?

Here is a nice write up of the new JM Labs / Focal Grande Utopia EM. There is some truly amazing technology here. Has anyone heard them?
Monday morning Focal delivered the Grand Utopia EM's to my house to replace the Alexandria's that I have been using. If anyone is interested in buying the Alexandria’s please let me know. Bob Hodas, a good friend and wonderful acoustician will be setting them up shortly. Currently we have them facing each other, wrapped up in blankets, and set out of phase in a corner of my listening room while they break. The folks at Focal, who I might add are really nice people, recommend breaking them in like this for a few weeks i.e. for 500-1000 hours. I am being uncharacteristically patient and disciplined while this happens. I decided to get them to settle down before tuning them to the room. If anyone would like for me to report on my experience with the new speakers just post any questions you might have and I will do my best to report back.
I'd love to get my ears on a pair even though they would never be in my budget.
Congrats Paul! What kind of amplification are you using? Are tubes an option?
Paul, love to read your report when you get around to it. Congratulations on your purchase.

Thank you guys. I bought them to celebrate my 60th birthday. For the last few years I have been using the Halcro dm68’s which I have always really enjoyed. Everything is still running through the Alexandria’s which are for the time being adequate at best. I also replaced my aging dCS stack with the Scarlatti which I think is just a spectacular digital front end. The Utopia’s are all wrapped up with blankets, pillows, bed spreads, and everything else I could find to silence them while they breaking. It’s a strange site.