Added value of separate server?

I run Roon core in an iMac.  Files I've ripped or downloaded, along with those from Tidal, are sent via ethernet to an Ayre QX-5 Twenty DAC that connects to a KX-5 Twenty preamp.  That setup seems able to deliver superb sound, e.g., the DSD file of "Take Five" downloaded from Acoustic Sounds sounds a bit superior to the SACD played using my Ayre C-5xeMP.  What value might there be to adding something like an Aurender N10 streamer?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
No value in sound quality if you gave a good DAC. It just depends what is best for you in terms of convenience and user interface.
I’ve tried a few combinations of computer, Apple PC and DAC and the best to date, both in sound quality and simplicity is storing all my music on a NAS drive with dual mirrored drives using RAID config and use a Blusesound Node 2 to stream content from the NAS and the internet

Why the NAS drive? - if a drive fails you simply replace it and the RAID takes care of copying everything from the old drive to the new drive - but you do need server quality drives for longevity. I tried using regular drives and one of the drives failed in 6 months - but the recovery was so simple - the server grade drives are like build like tanks

Why the Bluesound and not the MAC? - I got fed up with the software upgrades creating incompatibility. Also - the onboard DAC was better than my upgraded/tweaked Schiit Bifrost - much better! 

I now have Bluesound Node 2 on my audio system, A Powernode 2 on my TV and a Pulse Mini for outdoor music 

The Bluesound Interface is one of the easiest and most intuitive I have tried ( even my Wife can work it ) and their software updates always work. 

Their support is top notch also - never failed to resolve a problem yet

Hope that helps - Steve
John Atkinson's recent Stereophile review of the Ayre QX-5 Twenty Digital Hub  suggests its digital-to-analog processing is superb, and when couple with the KX-5 Twenty preamp so is the resulting sound.

Files from the iMac are backed up daily by Time Machine to an external hard disc, so I assume the music files are among them.  I pay a fee for Cloud space, but I don't know if files are stored there or if I need to direct then there.  I haven't bothered learning about the Cloud, and may be missing a lot.  

A Bluesound Node 2 is inexpensive enough I might try it as a option; the same cannot be said of an Aurender N10.

I suspect my current setup is all I need if I can get the Roon remote app to run on the iPad.
