I love my PS Audio Direct Stream with Red Cloud :)

Yesterday, PS Audio released the Red Cloud FPGA software written by MIT genius Ted Smith.

With immense delight, I auditioned all through the night.

The beauty exceeds what were my wildest expectations when I purchased the DAC several years ago, and reconfirmed that I had made another good choice (my previous good choices include Tannoy 15" DC speakers, Cary SLP05 preamp, Art Audio Jota HC monoblocks, Wavelength Cardinal monoblocks, Cardas Clear cables, Acoustic Zen reference cables, Wyred4Sound server, PS Audio Premier Power Plant, inexpensive HDMI cable, and ceramic corn dishes.

While I haven't heard a great many DACs, I have heard static-state Sabre DACs, which sound ear-bleeding mediocre IME, and R2R chips which were the thing 20+ years ago. I think that FPGA Red Cloud is superior, and the best thing aesthetically to have come from a scientist educated at MIT. Make music, not war.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with PS Audio, except as a happy customer. It's just a great company!

Installed Red Cloud a couple of nights ago - system comprises Zanden transport, PS Audio Directstream, Air Tight ATC2 & ATM3 monos, Tannoy Autograph speakers.
Substantial increase in resolution of individual instruments right through the midrange, improvements in coherency. On orchestral the location and specificity of individual instruments vastly better. On opera you can hear much more of the chest cavity on vocals. Yes slightly softer in low bass region but the other improvements are substantial, takes the DAC to another level. To my ears this is now a much more resolving DAC. Same results on both computer source and redbook CD.

Having just purchased PS Audios Direct Stream Player and Direct Stream Dac senior I’m now completely satisfied with digital playback and this latest firmware release has made listening even more pleasurable.

The PS Audio components replaced a Esoteric K03 which replaced a EMM Labs CDSA-SE both fine players in their day however when I really wanted to hunker down to listen to music I enjoy vinyl playback was ultimately more satisfying to me ,.,
Now that I have the Direct Stream Memory Player and Dac vinyl is rarely played now ,....

Going through some of the well known great recorded music spanning over past 60 years available on CD , SACD , Blueray including so called HIRES down loads which all were a pleasure to listen to however one recording in particular stood out that will give many a fright it’s sooo realistic sounding , a percussion piece recorded by Tonian Labs , Drums & Bells .
Tony Minasian engineer extraordinaire with a investment of over 200 grand in mic’s alone he modified specific models that capture so much realism in his recording of Drums & Bells with more to come from what I understand. 

Getting back to the subject, this Red Cloud firmware update was immediately noticeable , so my highest praise goes out to PS Audio ,.
Ted Smith nailed this Redcloud OS. Listen to any well recorded cd/sacd and be amazed at the lifelike sound quality achieved by a ’non-hardware’ upgrade no less. And what is really spooky about all this is that Mr.Smith has already stated that he can and will get better results with the DS dac in pending future firmware updates.

And all this for FREE!!! Wow and double Wow!!!

Bring on the future...its looking very bright for all DS owners.

PS...The DMP transport is the icing on the cake.

Usually member first post is bashing something, a troll so just ignore it.  If account created on day of post, MOST definitely a troll.
Also, might be a troll if the member’s name is Paul but member's photo is of a person in drag wearing striped shirt and pearls :)