Recommendations for music network player

Hi. I'm never in digital and I'm very septic. I'm using Mac mini. Any suggestions for any thinking better sounding than Mac , I do own dac , but would be great to hook up to music player cd ripping device. Thanks for response if any 
@bonmanp Not to jump in for 2psyop, but I'll second the Bluesound Vault/Node 2 as being good, idiot-proof products with an easy to use app with sound quality that is surprising given the cost (particularly the Node 2).  I hope those reviews aren't from Bo, who apparently likes to jab me with how 2d and genetically corrupt Bluesounds are.  I use it for Tidal hifi and to pull ripped CDs from the Vault.  I usually run them through digital coax to more expensive (non-MQA) DACs, and, yes, IMO it's better that way, but the gap isn't as great as I would have thought.  On some Tidal MQA, it can actually be a very close call between the Bluesound running full MQA v. through 24/96 into the separate DACs.

I'm sure things like the Aurenders and Lumins are better, but the Bluesound is no slouch for the money.  I'm considering a Cary DMS500 for the primary system, but I don't know if it is actually going to be any better than the Bluesound through a Cary200ts that I'm using there, now.  My biggest hesitation is that I already have too much Cary stuff.  I guess TAS liked the Cary, for whatever that might be worth.
Yes the Bluesound is that good..... for $499. We are in a place and time in audio, whereby people spend $20k for amps and preamps $10k for source components, $50k for speakers and $25k cabling. So lets keep things in perspective. I like the Node 2 as a budget component that delivers above the bar for it’s price range. Sounds better than my CD player to my DAC, better than my older Logitech Squeezbox and much better than any source digital audio component I have had when playing albums in MQA.
As always YMMV....
I concur with 2psyop, the Bluesound is an incredible value.
If you couple the Bluesound with an Ayre Codex, or a Schiit Gungnir or Yggy, you will be spending a reasonable amount of money and getting a killer combo.

Another vote for the Bluesound Node 2. It is fantastic. I will be stepping up to the Vault 2 in the future.


Ok . So do you think guys the aurender is over priced???? . I'm really impressed your opinions according to vault. And I'm gonna get one tomorrow 
