Use Subwoofer crossover or processor crossover?

In your home theater setup, do you use the crossover in your processor or do you use the subwoofer crossover? Do you disable one and just use the other?

I use a Sunfire Theater Grand II processor and a Velodyne DD-18 subwoofer.

My whole system is posted below.

I'd like your opinions on which one you use and why.

...thanks, mitch
I used to own a Velodyne DD-15 and Velodyne suggested that I use the processor's crossover for best results. BTW, how do you bypass the crossover in your pre/pro anyway???
Unless you have a feature that can be turned on or off, you can bypass the crossover in your pre/pro by setting the crossover point to the highest value (i.e. 199 hz or what ever the highest value is). You then use your subwoofer from your sub to integrate with your speakers. Have fun...
I run 5 equal channels in LARGE and use a pair of subs for the x.1 signal only (crossover fully bypassed). I use my DVD Player's DAC for my main listen (audio out) and bypass my receivers DSP all together.

When I upgrade my AVR I plan on using the receivers Front L/R pre-outs to the sub's Line-In, employing the sub's crossover to help fill the bottom end of my front speakers. Hopefully this will smooth out my rooms low end response (the current graph looks like a mountain range).