Shopping for Interconnects

Now that I am building two, two speaker stereo systems in my home, I will need some more IC's.  Here are the pieces of equipment I will be using.  Unsure yet about how to pair the amps to speakers but will try both with each pair of speakers to see which sounds best with which pair.

Denon PMA 520  Integrated amp circa 1989
Yamaha A 500 Integrated amp circa 1984
Yamaha S300 CD player.  Two years old.
Onkyo TA-RW311 Cassette Deck.  circa 1997
Carver TX 11a Tuner.  circa 1986

Budge for a pair of IC's is under $100 for each pair.  Will likely buy two.

Currently have Audio Art IC3's which are nice.  Going to still use them.  Also have a pair of Blue Jeans Cable LC-! which I plan to keep.  

Any suggestions?  Not exactly sure how to shop for cables of this nature since each manufacturer seems to claim different sonic characteristics for each cable.  

Thanks for the tips and suggestions.   

Morrow looks quite interesting as well.  With that Return Policy it is a no lose situation to give them a try.  Most of the reviews of their budget priced cables are good.  Expensive cables seem to be more hit and miss with people.  But I am shopping for affordable cables and don't have to worry about that too much.

Will read some reviews of the Cullen cables when I have time.  


Which of the following Mogami cables would be ideal for use with RCA connectors and suited for musical playback?
I can't see the list of cables in your response but --
I've used the Mogami microphone 2549 cable with good results.
I can't say they're ideal, I haven't tried every cable out there and my standards may be lower than yours, but Mogami cables of all kinds, microphone, interconnect and speaker, are studio standards, very well made and easy to work with.
I forgot to post the link.  Got distracted by a phone call.  Work related.

Have noted some other more expensive cables.  Wondering if they would offer different performance?  Even something more expensive will hardly add to the cost of the IC since I will only need a few feet.

My standards are simply this.  I want the right sounding cable for my systems that won't cost an arm and another part of my anatomy that I would early like to keep.  Want to keep my total cost for three pairs of IC's to under $200.