Bybee Speaker Bullets?

Bybee Golden Goddess "Super Effect" Speaker Bullets...
$4200.00... Tweak or bona fide upgrade?

Was wondering if anybody has had the opportunity or deep pockets to try this particular tweak,and if so ,would love to hear your opinion,impression, or any other comments.

Here are a couple of reviews and thoughts about what and why the Bybees do what they do. I don't know if these guys were influenced or bought in some way, however what they described I thought I heard well before I read their thoughts and I wasn't bought. I generally buy only what my ears tell me.

http://www.bybeetech. com/reviews.asp
I just reread all the reviews to be found at this address given and find them , compared with my experience of these things, a bit exaggerated. However all point into the direction which I also heard and am still enjoying. To me the effect is slight, but it is certainly there, no matter what the sceptics might think or say.

I don't doubt you heard what you claim you heard. But, it still is important to have some idea as to why you got that particular sonic result.

It is possible for a scoundrel to put out something that modifies the signal using common circuit elements, such as resistors or capacitors, etc. Some listeners would hear a positive result, because that was what that system needed for that particular listener's taste, but in most systems the result would be a negative or no change. If it helps, then it is worth having, but, if that result could have been reached with $.50 worth or components, instead of many thousands of dollars, that is a rip off.

With respect to the Bybee stuff, I plan to hear for myself, even if the description of how it works sounds extremely dubious. But, I would like to know if anyone has explored its basic electrical properties (i.e., not its claimed quantum physics effects).

I once had a friend who distributes audio gear demonstrate a powerline conditioner that plugs into any available wall socket. He got it on a trial basis had knew nothing about how it worked. We all could easily hear that it had a positive effect on the sound. He asked me how I though it worked. I speculated the following: when the switch was put in the "on" position and the LED was lit, it was actually out of the circuit and doing nothing; when the switch was in the "off" position, it was actually on and putting out interference to screw up the sound and give the impression that the "on" position was a big improvement. He thought that was pretty funny, but, as for me, absent any plausible alternative explanation, mine was a pretty reasonable guess.
I agree with you all the way you know and I am just as wary of being sold snake oil like any other sensible person, which I hope that I am. In fact I am the first to doubt my own hearing, because in younger years I was with a group of colleagues who did research on the validity of testimony,of what people saw, experienced or rather think they experienced. The result of this research I have never forgotten and it taught me to be very careful and question and question again what my senses tell me. Not always, that would be stupid. (If I see a beautiful woman, I see a beautiful women, well knowing that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder) But in this question which we are discussing, it would be advisable to question and to question unrelentingly. Like you, I would prefer a rational explanation of what is happening and what I am perceiving. But with the Bybees I have to give up. I was taught physics once, but Quantum physics are beyond me and I cannot form an opinion. If what my ears tell me, and with little "experiments" in front of my rig, friends etc will in their own words tell me more or less the same, I will have to be grudgingly content.
However, like you, I would also like to have a reasonable explanation of what in fact is going on, when you submit the Bybees into your system. I find it interesting to note, that in general, the description of what is happening points into the same direction:
Namely that there is a difference and that instruments sound more "natural", more like real music. So speaking in scientific terms, there is some empirical evidence which can be seen as pointing into the same direction. There is no theory however why this is so. All attempts to explain do not really satisfy. Bybee himself says, that he has no explanation for what is going on on the subatomic level, where he says his modules function. Here the circle seems to close for some : No explanation for what is happening is indeed close to snake oil. Because if snake oil works, it is only in the mind of the believer. No dirty tricks even needed here, auto-suggestion will do the work for you. We all know, how strong such an effect can be. Also in the case of Bybees: They are very, very expensive, so they must be good and if they are good, I must of course hear a difference for the better. Therefore, if someone would accuse me of having fallen into that trap, all argumentative powers I would summon for my defense would not suffice to convince my adversary, because even if he would hear the same thing as I, he could still argue that he has obviously fallen prey to the same illusion. Collective auto suggestion is a well known phenomenon. You cannot discount even that possibility.
So what to do? To my mind we have to admit, that if the Bybees work, and there is some evidence which could point into that direction, we cannot explain why. We have the choice of thinking that it is all fraud, because we can't explain it, or on the other hand, accept that the world is full of phenomena which exist but we (still?) don't know and cannot explain satisfactorily how they function. Our own body, at least quite a large part of its intricate interplay, especially on the "electro"-chemical level belongs to this category. There are quite of lot of people, who think that all that cannot be rationally explained must somehow be sham. Hence they tend to look down on the "believers". What they fail to see, is that they are also believers. Believers in what is basically a theoretical concept of reality, which works very well in practice but just simply is not the whole reality. That's why, John, I reacted a bit touchy when I read your first post. As you can see now, so I hope, I respect your position, actually share it, when it gets down to the nitty gritty. I will insist however that there is also dignity in an attitude, which, seemingly naive, is open to be surprised and taken in by phenomena, which cannot be explained. Call it a childlike openess for miracles, which remain only miracles of course, as long as we cannot explain them. Critical rationality in the explanation of world phenomena demands respect of course. Last not least due to the efforts of generations before us laying the foundations of Natural Science, without which modern life would not function. The other attitude, which I am defending now, demands respect as well, because of its courage to be able to be open and to believe and to have the strength to bear and live with the gap between belief and knowledge. Last not least of course also for having the guts to take it, being proven a fool and mistaken. Those two attitudes are often taken as absolute opposites, you are either for the one or for the other side. In fact, I feel, they should not oppose but complement each other. Each on its own is obviously not enough. The discussion about those Bybees to me show this up very nicely.

(Sorry to be so longwinded, in case you managed to read until here (: )

I agree with you completely that just because there isn't a reasonable explanation that does not mean there isn't a real effect. Take the aspirin. How it works was actually determined many decades after it was invented and after it had alleviated probably billions of headaches. The Bybee stuff could be effective even if the ultimate explanation turns out to be something different.

I personally have no standing to demand rational explanation and behavior based on rationality. Given the overwhelming "object" measurements, there is no satisfactory explanation for why I personally prefer tube amplification, over solid state, particularly the high distortion single-ended variety.
Thanks Larry,
Obviously we share similar aural pleasures, thanks also for giving me the impetus to think over where I stand between the so called dichotomy of the "rational" and the "irrational" and of course also thanks for having had the patience to read through that lengthy diatribe of mine above.