Bybee Speaker Bullets?

Bybee Golden Goddess "Super Effect" Speaker Bullets...
$4200.00... Tweak or bona fide upgrade?

Was wondering if anybody has had the opportunity or deep pockets to try this particular tweak,and if so ,would love to hear your opinion,impression, or any other comments.


I agree with you completely that just because there isn't a reasonable explanation that does not mean there isn't a real effect. Take the aspirin. How it works was actually determined many decades after it was invented and after it had alleviated probably billions of headaches. The Bybee stuff could be effective even if the ultimate explanation turns out to be something different.

I personally have no standing to demand rational explanation and behavior based on rationality. Given the overwhelming "object" measurements, there is no satisfactory explanation for why I personally prefer tube amplification, over solid state, particularly the high distortion single-ended variety.
Thanks Larry,
Obviously we share similar aural pleasures, thanks also for giving me the impetus to think over where I stand between the so called dichotomy of the "rational" and the "irrational" and of course also thanks for having had the patience to read through that lengthy diatribe of mine above.
I too felt a cynicism about the Bybees before I tested them.
I should note that I have no experience with any Bybee product except the Super Effect modules found in the Ultra Power Cord and the Speaker Bullets. I am not a dealer, just a music enthusiast.

I shared the bullets and power cord with a well experienced audiofile here in Albuquerque. He is a diyer, having built a set of Orions and matched sub woofers, and later fabulous sounding line arrays.

We tried them in and out; at various points in the signal line on various speakers, equipment, and music. He told me each time, each trial his system had never sounded better.

Frank is more of a skeptic than I am about fads and tweeks;
experienced in the field for more then twenty years.

My experience is that of a musician with ear training from a very early age, and performance for many years into adult hood. I play French Horn, currently renewing with my Classic Guitar, and dabbling with the Bag Pipes.
My skepticisim is based on what I hear; ears I find very trustworthy.

I hear a difference that is important to my ears when listening critically as a musician and just for simple relaxation.

I have spoken to one of Jack"s early Beta testers who told me that he and friends find the difference to persist to a point that has allowed them to sell off high cost interconnects and speaker cables and maintain a purity of sound that is still better then higher cost systems without the Bybee.

Dick Oshler has a review and explanation of the Speaker Bullets in the June/July TAS; worth the read.

I think the critical ears of the designer of the Reference 3A Grand Veena included the SE Bybee for a reason in spite of price. Note: only one per speaker direct wired inside.

Just some humble thoughts,
I hope others can try them for themselves,
watch for used here on agon to cut the cost,maybe.

While I don't profess to know what makes these things or the Walker HDLs tick, I think the two are fundamentally different and not two approaches to the same thing. In response to someone's comment above.