Speaker distance

What are your current speakers and what is the distance between them?
What are the disadvantages of having to little or to much space
between your speakers?
It will not sound as "correct" as it otherwise *could*.
It seems to me that the ideal distance between the speakers varies from one recording to another depending on the mix and the instrumentation.  I notice with solo piano  and  with string quartets that no one setup satisfies every recording.  So I try to find a position that works most of the time.  Maybe we need moving sidewalks with remote controls that would allow us to easily place the speakers close together for say, a solo guitar and far apart for an orchestra or big band. 
That’s a tough one. One reason why it might appear that speaker distance varies according to the recording is because the venues of the various recordings are all different. You are supposed to hear those differences, no? In terms of space, soundstage, ambience, etc. And the differences should actually be MORE APPARENT if the speakers are placed in the absolute best locations. And that can ONLY be done with a careful long term program of room treatment plus the fabled XLO Test CD speaker placement track IMHO.
And that can ONLY be done with a careful long term program of room treatment plus the fabled XLO Test CD speaker placement track IMHO.


Hello Geoff. To your point about the XLO test cd, which I then had a follow up with you where you stated (paraphrasing) it's the "in phase followed by out of phase" track which is used (diffusion), I'm of the opinion that any purpose built cd with these types of tracks could be used effectively, correct?

For instance, in my case I use/have this one https://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/1526639/a/denon+audio+technical+cd.htm&frm=www.cd...

Track 2 has in/out phase.

Your opinion is appreciated. Thanks.

Re the OPs addendum, Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound might prove invaluable...
And the XLO test CD...