My first post

Hello. Just registered today. Happy Holidays! 
When I joined, it is to my understanding that Audiogon is the marketplace for high-end audio products and minds ... I hope. In trying to exchange ideas and products for our hobby, what is the process we can share to learn from?
(FYI, with my office shutdown during Christmas, I got time in my hands to binge the tech forum!)
Thanks for reading my first post.


The literal meaning of the word audiophile a lover of music. A commonly accepted definition is "a person who is especially interested in high-fidelity sound reproduction"  Not a snobby know-it-all or one who spends $5,000 on a set of speaker cables. Give yourself some credit! 


Thank you all for the warm welcome! Need that desperately here in cold San Francisco where I'm visiting for the holidays. 

Welcome aboard, ponchit!  Lots to learn and discuss here.  Just be aware that obsessive ”audiophiles," even those with thousands of Audiogon forum posts, can put out bad info and recommendations.  Obsession, by default, is a negative quality.  Temper your reading here with good judgement and outside research.

Glad to have you with us!