Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?

They got a lot of press a few years ago, now their flagships are on Audiogon at a small fraction of their cost.

NCore based (Merrill Audio) and H2O amps both sounded great on my WAS-2. Was with a tube preamp though, FWIW.
Other pieces of equipment in the chain are a Lector Zoe pre-amp and a Raysonic CD-128 CD player. Personally, I think all of these pieces are fine in their own right but, as I mentioned before, it may be a synergy issue or, probably more likely, the room.
I have a pair of ESPIIs and have always wondered why they were not discussed much on this forum. The sound, to my ears, is very musical and I cant imagine trading "up".
I used both nf ores,and a Wyred M amps
Digital is good to a point.

For similar moneys the New VanAlstine Synergy 450 I recently bought much better depth and control with a Vacuum tube type character.the 12 regulated Power supplies allow it to operate at it's best and runs real cool.