Using Oppo 205 instead of per amp processor

Anyone using their Oppo 205 as a pre amp processor? if so, what are the pros and cons? I am looking into replacing my NAD 758 receiver with separates for my HT and secondary system. I'm thinking i can save myself some money by purchasing the Oppo instead of a pre amp processor but, not sure if the Oppo was designed to be used like that without issue. I know the Oppo doesn't have room correction and was told by magnolia, the volume control is fixed only no variable? Unfortunately, no dealers in my area have one on display to audition. Any feed back is much appreciated. My current set up: Primaluna HP integrated, Sony HAP1ZES, Cambridge BD 752 player, Klispch Heresy 111 70th anniversary edition speakers, cables Tellurium Q ultra black SC and jumpers, FMS microwave IC's, and a Wadi 171i transport that i use with my iphone/ipad.

Hi willemj,
     Randy has a tendency to post vague and cryptic comments, that he may believe are making some sort of statement or point, that I often have difficulty deciphering.  
     He also has a tendency to not respond when asked to clarify his posts.  The combination of making vague, cryptic comments and not responding to requests for clarification, is a very poor method of communicating, especially on an internet forum.
     I couldn't make heads or tails from his post, requested he clarify and I'm still waiting for a clarifying response.  
     You were kind enough to step in and clarify the matter to a degree. You may be right, he may not be criticizing Oppo's business model.  I really have no problem with him criticizing Oppo's business model or criticizing anything he deems as deserving of criticism.
     In this most recent case, my issue is his very poor written communication skills evidenced by the fact that we are both currently left wondering what thoughts he was trying to convey with his comments and why he brought Oppo's business practices into this thread's discussion in the first place. 
     I either forgot or never knew Randy uses an Oppo in his system.  Given his efforts to jerry-rig his system in an effort to achieve a more 'euphonic' sound from his naturally very neutral Oppo as you described, I'm thinking it may be best to leave Randy alone with his tinkering and just ignore his vague and cryptic postings going forward.  
     I'm beginning my ignoring of Randy's posts beginning......NOW.
He wouldn’t be the only inarticulate poster here (although I sometimes rather enjoy his posts). There are times when I think some here do not only know nothing about science, but know no grammar either. A little bit of extra effort goes a long way.
Hi willemj,

     I wish I could enjoy Randy's posts.  I'm usually just left confused and frustrated.

     I know I probably shouldn't be so hard on poor inarticulate Randy but I think you're right about a little extra effort going a long way.  For example, if he'd just proofread and edit his posts to ensure  his posts will be easily understood, I'd stop messing with him.
    If he reads this, I hope he takes this as constructive criticism the way it's intended.  I've been justifiably criticized for being a bit too verbose on some of my posts.  I wasn't offended, took it as constructive criticism and have been trying to keep my posts more succinct.

He wouldn’t be the only inarticulate poster here (although I sometimes rather enjoy his posts). There are times when I think some here do not only know nothing about science, but know no grammar either. A little bit of extra effort goes a long way.

>>>We all know know no grammar is a no no, no?
  I may be a scientific dotard, but I thinks I gots me some mad grammar skills.
