Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso

Just before the Holiday's, I noticed on several authorized Belles websites, that certain separates went out of production which is a pattern that would indicate new products are forthcoming, and sure enough a new Integrated popped up on the Belles website last week, which appears to be his greatest integrated amp to date. The Virtuoso,
putting out over 200 watts per channel into 8 ohms, HT bypass, Processor loop, MM & MC phono stage, and power meters on the front panel. The unit will be released in March at a price tag of $6495. Given David Belles reputation during the past 30 years, who has always been at the top of his game as perhaps the best solid state engineer designer ever in the states, since musicality has always been his first order of business, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the Virtuoso will fly out the door and winds up on the back order list. Its a real looker.
Very handsome unit. Well done David! Its what we've been waiting for.
I am absolutely not intending to take a cautious position on an amp that no one has tested and measured, but...

That's a big price for a Belles unit, though it is beautiful.
Nice power rating, Goldilocks, just right.
Dual mono?  I thought David Belles effectively argued such topology was superfluous.
Meters, HT Bypass?  Such a departure from the playbook.

Looking forward to the user reviews, but at 6K+ that is too aspirational for an SS integrated.  Still, I did take note of it on the website since it was posted, so there must be a few of us who are interested in what he cooked up.
Tone Controls?..Eek!! Tone control's as we are all aware of, are for 
trimming certain frequency bands to tame bright, shrill or strident sound problems resulting from poorly designed electronics. David Belles components are masterpieces, so refined and so rich sounding that you won't even think about tone controls. 
Looks very nice for the money and a solid well made product  .
but not in the league of Top  products like Gryphon , New Pass Labs ,FM Acoustics ,Accuphase Boulder.for  these extra $5-10k give you the best top boutique parts 
which do give you a little more high end you have to spend $$ for that last 5-10% .
For what you get from David Belles, 6K+ is dirt cheap. The very high quality caps, transistors and resistors in his units are typically found in $20K electronics. You will not find these high quality parts in units from Parasound, Hegel or other components manufactured in China in the same price range as Belles. His products are a steal for the price.