Ray Thomas has Passed

Very sad tonight.
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Watching and Waiting

I grew up on Lou Reed, EL&P, Allman Brothers, Beatles, Stones, CCR, countless other "classic" rock. 

Loved them all. 

But when the sun was down, and it was time to quietly listen to music, It was most often Moody Blues playing through my first decent stereo. I read the liner notes and lyrics and thought about the music and really listened. 

Thank you Ray. RIP
The sad thing about the passing of Ray Thomas is that the Moodies were going to be inducted in the Rock Hall of Fame in the next entry class. I have been cursing the HoF for years for their failure to honor such a great band, while enshrining far lesser acts. The Moody Blues have been my favorite band, providing many more hours of listening enjoyment over the course of my lifetime. The passing of Ray Thomas is a stark reminder of my own mortality, which grows ever closer to the end. RIP, Ray, RIP.
Yes I have been harping about the Hall and the Moody Blues for years.

At least Ray THomas knew he had made it, if he even cared that much.

For any act to still be relevant, honored, listened to 50 years after the fact is perhaps the greatest achievement of all.