First investment into a turntable

Hello friends,

As I slowly make my way into collecting some vintage audio components, its time to target a turntable. I have never owned a turntable worth mentioning, but I've collected hundreds of albums. Its time to give the vinyl the sonic justice it deserves. I know now more than ever that every component ever made can be reviewed subjectively. So let me profile my desires, so that you may be able to help me find 1 or maybe 2 turntables that can sit at the top of my growing system.
Currently, I own a Sansui G-6000 receiver. I would love to find a TT in the $200-300 range that would complement the receiver and produce beautiful sound. I am partial to vintage, but would mildly consider modern.
Thank you all in advance for your responses. This is an incredible resource of wonderful people.
Thank you,
Make sure you have a phono input. There are a few tables in that price range on audiogon. An ex-demo Project with an OM10 would be a reasonable start.
There is a RekoKut K33 with original arm for sale now on EBAY. $195 + $63 shipping from Illinois. Belt drive with a high-torque motor. I have one like this in my collection of vintage TT's. Build and sound quality far better than any of today's cheap TT's! Install a Denon 103R mc cartridge and you will have a TT system rivaling multi-kilobuck gear for sound quality!
Not to rain on your parade, but your old albums are likely chewed up from whatever they were played on in the past and $2-300 does not exactly equate with "beautiful sound" even from an entry level standpoint. Turntables involve a lot of moving parts and vibration issues that take a bit of money to address.   That said, the Pioneer 500 doesn’t look too bad for $350.  
Just try to be realistic.