I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible

I didn’t want to crap on someone’s sales thread, so I thought i’d post my amazement here. The focus of my disbelief? The "Dalby D7-Vinyl Stabilizer," which is a damn weight that screws onto the turntable spindle to hold the record securely onto the platter. Listed retail? 4000 British Pounds! (although a mag listed it at $6,800! On sale here at AudioGullible for the bargain basement price of 2500 British Pounds, or $3600 US dollars!!! Just read a few snippets of the sales ad . . .

"The D7-Vinyl Stabiliser has a sonic character that brings music to life and the ability to elevate the entire audio frequency from the veil and mechanics inherent in prerecorded music. The gains are immediate, with sweeter high frequency extension while the mid and lower registers are beautifully controlled. The soundscape is wider, higher and deeper, allowing the music to breathe more naturally."

I’m sorry, but I’m calling total BS on this. A friggin’ weight brings "music to life," "sweeter high frequency extension," "allowing the music to breathe more naturally . ." Come on. Its a modified paperweight that screws onto the platter. One can only imagine what this guy thinks about some $20K interconnects for the turntable -- the music probably writes itself! And don’t forget the amazing improvement that a $4,000 carbon fiber mat might add . . . You probably would think you were hallucinating because the music breathed so much it was oozing out of the speakers, like on some of my more memorable nights in college in the ’70’s.

Now I have never heard this amazing gift to the audiophile community, so maybe it is the audio equivalent of the Second Coming, but really? $5,800 for this? It confirms to me that there is a certain insanity/gullibility/too much money/snake oil in this so-called "hobby," (which is a hobby to customers and ridiculous business for some manufacturers). When is enough enough? What about audiophile paint, that has amazing sonic qualities to cut down reflection and make the soundstage so wide that you feel you need a new apartment? Don’t forget the audiophile couch, that is sonically neutral but promises to position your ears to "bring music to life?" OK, I’ve made my point. No offense to the seller of the snake oil, but really . . . When is enough enough?

This concludes my rant for today. :)
Some of the funniest and unbelievably stupid things I read everyday are are in audioforums.  It is stunning how many people are duped by claims of experts and arm chair prothlitizers.  There is a lot of snake oil and out there and tons right false claims about numerous products.  If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck it probably is a duck.
Working on the paint now. Will let you know when I've got the formula right so that its performance matches the wild claims.
Watching these threads is like watching people put a weapon over the fence and take out their friendly and likeable neighbors, as they feel helpless in the face of a $100 trillion and more mess of a global psychopathic regime that they individually feel they can do nothing about.

Like watching hundreds of closeted and blinkered animals gnaw their own limbs off when stuck in a trap, as they can’t understand the scope of the entire trap scenario.

Some forums are moving to disallow this sort of discussion to even begin or take place.

Good for them. These threads....are totally counterproductive to the attempt of increasing the quality of the representation of the musical art to the human ear.

It’s literally death on wheels with flames and force, to the audio forums and their intent. Driving people who ARE connected....father and father apart, and out of audio...via violent and projected ignorance, about audio. About music.

Instead of going out there and dealing in the face, full on, with the real world things, the seeming overwhelming things..... that ~~must~~ be confronted.

Beating friends and family and people in their own homes, instead of confronting the real issues at hand. Just for that feel of making an attempt in an area they think they can understand and control.

Wrong venue, wrong emotions, wrong way, wrong confrontation, and so on.
Thanks for the post teo - I was just looking for the definition of "drivel"