First investment into a turntable

Hello friends,

As I slowly make my way into collecting some vintage audio components, its time to target a turntable. I have never owned a turntable worth mentioning, but I've collected hundreds of albums. Its time to give the vinyl the sonic justice it deserves. I know now more than ever that every component ever made can be reviewed subjectively. So let me profile my desires, so that you may be able to help me find 1 or maybe 2 turntables that can sit at the top of my growing system.
Currently, I own a Sansui G-6000 receiver. I would love to find a TT in the $200-300 range that would complement the receiver and produce beautiful sound. I am partial to vintage, but would mildly consider modern.
Thank you all in advance for your responses. This is an incredible resource of wonderful people.
Thank you,
The new AR belt-drive table re-introduced in the mid-eighties would be nice to find, if you can find one. Sam Tellig (Sam's Space in Stereophile) loved it and recommended it as a poor-man's LP-12. I bought one, loved it, kept it a decade. 
Great suggestion tomcarr, though I doubt one can be had for the op’s $200-$300 target price. I too had one, fitted with a Rega RB300. Replaced that with a VPI HW-19, a very different table.
Good point, bdp24. I have no doubt you love your VPI, I think they are VERY nice.
Tom, that HW-19 (original "Mk.1") was sold when I got a Townshend Audio Elite Rock table, which I still have. But I recently picked up another, later version 19, as well as an Aries. Now I have a table for each of my arms! 
I agree that the vintage HK or Pioneer turntables are a good way to get into vinyl at the OP's budget. 

My son has a HK 55 which serves him well. I have refurbished and passed on to his friends several Pioneer PL models.