How important is the rack you use for your components

I’ve been browsing thru people’s systems on audiogon and have seen all different kinds of racks, shelves, bookcases , stands etc. For people’s equipment. My question is how important is the rack to the sound of the system. Has anyone gone from a basic rack to a premium and/or home constructed rack and noticed a marked improvement? And when I say marked, I mean marked. Looking for input
Whoa! What? Hey, Bobby, you’re channeling Michael Green, again. 😳 I realize things are tough all over but you’re marketing technique could probably use a tune-up. 🤠
I have all home made bases or tables for my components. All are made of MDF. I do have four conical shaped metal devices I found made a huge improvement on my CD player. Sometimes I play cd's, which are very bass heavy and I was getting enough vibration to upset the playing of the cd. I tried the cones and they made playback possible, with no skipping. I had tried rubber feet, as well as Vibrapods to no avail. My TT platform kinda floats. I have it on a second story floor with springs and cables pulling it out from the wall. I tried a wall platform, but still had acoustic vibration. The platform doesn't touch the wall and is suspended, in a manner of speaking, from the wall and floor. I've enjoyed great success with this design. I know there are very expensive platforms made for extremely high tech equipment, but at $5K a piece, I elected to build my own. 
I have 3 cheap racks I bought for $150 each or so more than 15 years back. they are TV stands.Filled the hollow metal tubes with sand. Oh, yeah, they have glass shelves.. One feature I like is a central metal screen on the back, which is great to Ziptie heavy powercords to so they do not sag.
To compensate  for the glass shelves I use a lot of #10 butyl rubber bottle stoppers. (So I am in the 'isolate' school of eliminating vibrations. I will never buy other racks.
(the 3rd rack carries the plasma TV and DVD etc.It is to the left between the speakers and the audio rack along the wall..

Also isolate by moving the rack far away from the speakers.
The main tall but same design equipment rack is off to my seated listening position left.
 With the 2 TT on another low one (for TV remember?) further behind. The TT are on the glass on top of thick patio bricks with solid rubber pads under them, then more #10 stoppers.
My amp is on the floor between the speakers, up on a concrete patio block, on tiptoes. Also with the #10 stoppers under the amp feet.

My happiest fact is I can reach back to the preamp volume control seated listening. no remote needed.

Wow! It's great to hear your voice again Elizabeth! It's been way too long.


prof is completely correct

Sure, "let your ears be your guide."  But ONLY your ears, not your expectation bias

so, do blind testing