Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
So much was written it the three threads that oregonpapa started regarding the SR Red, Blue and Black fuses that I'll bet the big hitters are worn out from posting.
Not to hijack the thread, but there is an obvious difference with CIRCUIT BREAKERS: less internal resistance, better sound. Since internal resistance tends to be a monotonically decreasing function of current rating, it is a simple trade-off: more safety, less sound VS less safety, more sound.

Physics supports this conclusion. Respecting the guidelines of the OP, I will say no more.
The 700+ post thread on Synergistic fuses was taken down for awhile. I now see it's back up with some posts removed.

I currently have four aftermarket fuses in house: the Audio Magic Ultimate Beeswax fuse and the HiFi Tuning Supreme fuse, along with a Synergistic Research Blue and Black fuse. I plan to post my impressions of all four after I'm confident in what I'm hearing.

Here is a teaser, however. I do not find that the Synergistic Blue fuse totally trumps the Black fuse. I hear some merits both ways.
Geoff says
"In fact, it appears some aftermarket fuses are lower rated based on the number of reports of premature blown fuses. Nice try though! Now, if you had said that aftermarket fuses use purer and or better conductors then we’d be getting somewhere."

Purer and better conductors = premature blown fuses?  Wouldn't the purer and better conductor result in less resistance and heat and not blow?
Geoff says
"In fact, it appears some aftermarket fuses are lower rated based on the number of reports of premature blown fuses. Nice try though! Now, if you had said that aftermarket fuses use purer and or better conductors then we’d be getting somewhere."

to which Jitter replied,

Purer and better conductors = premature blown fuses? Wouldn't the purer and better conductor result in less resistance and heat and not blow?

>>>>>But didn’t say purer and better conductors = premature blown fuses. You did. There are any number of reasons for prematurely blown fuses, for both aftermarket AND stock fuses. What I actually said was the reason aftermarket fuses sound better is purer and better conductors, among other things obviously. You know, as opposed to higher fuse ratings. Follow?