I need some advise on a shipping disaster.

I recently purchased a pair of speakers on Audiogon.  The price I offered was accepted and I sent the payment promptly.  The seller in return shipped the 2 speakers promptly and sent me the tracking numbers.  One of the speakers was delivered the next day and UPS has lost the other speaker.  The seller has put in a lost package investigation however UPs has not recovered the speaker.  It has been 8 days since the lost investigation has started.
I come to find out that the package was only insured for only half of what I paid for the whole package and it would cost twice that to replace the lost speaker new. So even if UPS cannot find the speaker and pay the insurance claim I cannot even replace the missing speaker for the amount of the claim.  
I'm not sure how to go about solving this issue.  I purchased and paid for a full set of speakers and only have 1.  
Any suggestion on what I should do next?  Has anyone ever experienced an issue such as this?  Does Audiogon have policies around issues such as this?

Thank you,
Having been through this from both sides as seller and buyer; the shipping company will only deal with the shipper as he is the one who paid for the service and their contract is with him. As he accepted your money with the good faith promise to provide you with a pair of speakers in whatever condition(s) were described, it is his responsibility to make good on the sales contract. I suggest you contact him and either agree on some set additional time for the speaker to be found or inform him you want a full refund and that he provide you the means to return the delivered speaker. If you paid with paypal they can help. If not certainly contact the audiogon Admin as offered above.
While the morality may be the same for professional and non-professional sellers, the laws may not be, depending on where you live.  Professional sellers, ie, stores, usually bear the risk of loss in shipping.  Non-professionals may not, assuming they shipped everything as they should.  I hope this works out for you, but that's why I don't ship speakers.  Just too much risk of damage or loss that I can't afford to take.  Good luck.  Really. 
My son, who lives in Arizona just came back from a year in New York. He is a government contractor. Just before he came home, He sent two foot lockers to his home in Az. One foot locker showed up on his door step, the handle of the other foot locker with shipping tag showed up sitting on top of the first foot locker. JUST the handle. UPS had no idea what happened to the other foot locker...Go figure.

What is Audiogon's shipping policy?

Shipping a Sold Item:

The buyer and seller will determine which party is responsible for paying the shipping charges. Regardless of this determination all items shipped will be F.O.B.* destination. In other words it will ALWAYS be the responsibility of the seller to guarantee that items shipped will be as described and fully functional upon arrival. The seller will further be responsible to insure each package for at least the amount the buyer has paid for the item.

Shipping damage/losses:

The seller in the instance of damage occurring during transit can expect full cooperation from the recipient in filing a damage claim with the shipper. The recipient however will not be required to wait for a successful claim to recover his purchase price.