How do SVS subwoofers compare to REL?

I'm looking for subwoofers (one or two) that have a very "tight" natural sound and are not overly boomy. In the future I hope to pair them with some Magnepan speakers. Magnepans are known for having a natural sound, and I want to compliment that.

I've been told that the REL subwoofers (e.g.,T/9i or S/3 SHO, etc., are a good match for Magnepan speakers. However, SVS subwoofers have also been recommended to me.

I don't have any background in high-end audio, so I am interested in opinions of folks here. Are SVS subwoofers considered generally as good as REL in regard to the features I'm interested in? Is either clearly superior? (I had never heard of SVS before yesterday.)

Which subwoofer size (in REL or SVS) would be a good match for a pair of Magnepan 1.7i in an 18 foot x 15 foot room (ceiling about 10 feet) with carpet on floor?

I'm looking at these so far:

REL T/9i Subwoofer about $1300
REL Acoustics S/3 SHO Subwoofer (Super High Output) about $2100
SVS SB-4000 13.5" 1200W about $1600
Any other recommendations?

Total subwoofer budget is around $2600 max. ($2000 or less would be better.)

Also, I believe it is better to buy two smaller subwoofers, compared to one larger one, right? (I'm just not sure where I would put two. Placing one is easier in this room. And I plan to connect everything with speaker wires, not wireless.)


Dual Subs are they way to go for sure and,
Cylinder Subs by their nature are very rigid.
SVS has been helpful on all of the Subs that I purchased from them[3].
Plus,Cylinder Subs look COOL. .
As for the PC2000 Subs [Love Em],
if you can go up the food chain I'd say go for it!
More Power and all of that.
The PC2000 Sub is not to complicated tho and offers a great Bang for your Buck!
Especially off of the clearance area.
I didnt mind the Little Scratchs on mine at all.
@axememan Yes, I think that's what I'll do -- get two of the SVS PC-2000 subs. :-)

My immediate concern with any SVS speakers is how I will connect them since they do not have speaker-level inputs... I"m sure I can come up with a solution. Currently, I use a 2-channel amp that does not have a sub-out. I connect my sub with its speaker-level connections.

Since I will probably be adding the Antimode 8033, I wouldn't be able to continue using speaker-level inputs on the sub anyway.

Willemj mentioned that I'll need an attenuation cable. However, I have not found where to buy those yet or figured out exactly what I will need... the answer is probably straightforward, but I just need to do the research first. Once I figure that out, I will order the subs.
This might possibly work?
will accept speaker level inputs up to 3000 watts
They are around $120.00.
  • Professional and multi-purpose 8-channel direct injection box for stage and studio applications
  • Provides impedance and signal matching for the direct connection of instruments to mixers and amplifiers
  • Ultra-flat frequency response due to servo-balanced operation
  • Optional mains or phantom-powered operation
  • Allows direct connection to speaker outputs with up to 3,000 Watts
DI800 description
DI800 additional info
Here are just two special features that differentiate the DI800 from most standard DI boxes:
  • Maybe you'd like to connect your guitar amp's speaker output to your mixer? Not a problem, the DI800 features a -30 dB attenuation switch, allowing you to connect to speaker outputs (up to 3,000 Watts!) and convert them to balanced XLR outs.
  • Got a weak incoming signal? The DI800 has a +20 dB switch, which really comes in handy for boosting low-level input signals.

Of course, the DI800 provides a LINK output for easy connection to other equipment, such as onstage amplifiers and monitor consoles. Servo-balanced performance guarantees ultra-flat frequency response, and the gold-plated XLR output connectors provide reliable, low-noise operation. Per channel ground lift switches eliminate ground-loop hum problems. The DI800 does everything a standalone DI can do - times eight!