Luxman L-509X

Any A'Gon readers from Japan listened to this new integrated? The specs and description seems like it could be an incredible piece. Though likely dependent on how good the pre-amp stage sounds. The amp section is supposed to be similar to the great sounding m700u stereo amp.



across many forums, these Luxman Integrated amps , are really hot (no pun) right now.  Anyone want to suggest a dealer/retailer where I can audition? 

Happy Listening!

949-933-1599. Hours are Monday - Sun 10-6, Evening. Appointments are available as well.
Best Regards, Mike Rose" 

Sounds like mike rose is the guy you met at Excel.I asked him about the m900u and c900u units a year ago but he did not have them in stock yet, He was going to get them in for me but I did not ask him at that time since I did not have the funds. Now I do so a trip to Newport is in the cards.

I did hear the Blades with the Hegel units, except the Rost. I asked them to skip the Rost because I would never have used that unit with the Blades. I was lucky that at the time I went to the Hegel/Blade room there was hardly anyone at that room. The lady from Hegel and I cranked out tunes for more than an hour, maybe 2 hours. It was a great listening experience. That is why the 360 is also a strong contender for my future Yamaha speaker.

I am really looking forward to the next show in June because that time frame matches up with the time I will likely buy my upgraded office system.

I am definitely looking forward to The Show Newport. I live about five miles away and will probably go at least two days. Always have gone just one day and am totally tired out and didn't get to see all I wanted to.

Yes, Mike is indeed the guy. He is Excel Audio. I've been for demo's three times and have at least a few more before I make decisions. Mike is a great guy with lots of ideas and is not pushy. You should give him a call; I'd guess the Luxman separates will be burned in in a week or two. I'm not sure if they have arrived yet but he said on Tuesday he'd have them this week.

2 days is about right for these shows. It is a 2 hour drive with traffic for me but I think I will do 2 days this time. The show is supposed to move from the airport location to closer to Newport. I think the location is still undecided. 

FYI - The LA & OC Audio Society recently announced that the show will be held at the Hilton Irvine, June 8 - 10. See the announcement here.