Emotiva xpa 2 gen 2 power amp

Looking for this amp ...emotive xpa 2 gen 2. Is as good as all the reviews have at it's price point. Or should buy the gen3 amps that now out. Thanks


Had a pair of 1L mono blocks for my Maggie 1.7 and amps kept blowing finally got rid of them and settled on a Parasound 2.1 integrated which has had no problem with the speakers. Big improvements in sound and staging. The emos are rated high watt but they won’t give you the current capacity which is more important.

The 1L will deliver a good amount of watts, but the transformer is somewhat light at only 450VA.  The Parasound integrated looks to have a much larger transformer, but not as much capacitance.  It could be a number of reasons why the Emotiva 1L could not supply the current.

The Emotiva amps stock are quite bright and harsh, although I do not have experience with Gen 3 and their new switching power supply (also with no fuse).  If you absolutely need to have that much power and have a limited budget, the Emotiva amps can sound nice when you convert the fuses to Isoclean or Furutech (or a combination of).

As to the Emotiva A-300, I’m using a A-300 with LS50 speakers and a Mimby DAC and the sound is really great in my small 10 x 12 office. Some tracks sound incredible, like the music is being played live in the room.
Odyssey Audio is definitely worth looking at in the $1300 range. I’ve heard Emotiva gear at a friends house. Nothing too offensive but kinda thin and bright sounding to me. He didn’t keep it long. 
Mofo, I also criticized the Emotiva sound in this thread.  Are you sure you want to be seen agreeing with me?  Perhaps you should get into another one of your snits and go on at length in some kind of rant?