Which preamp for a pass labs?

I bought a Pass Labs xa 30.5 and now I have to choose between a Pass Labs XP 10 preamp or an Audio Research ls 25 MK2. Which one would you choose? Which balanced cables do you recommend to connect pre and final?
Thank you
I am using ARC Ref 5se with Pass 100.5's and switch with an ARC Ref 75. I am actually having a hard time picking which I like better. When I was looking I was told, that the ARC LS25 MKll is a very good preamp and the Ref 3 just a little better. I never considered a solid state Pre amp, because I like the warm sound from the tubes. I will admit I have been an ARC fan since the SP 3.
OK- why just ARC and Pass- no other choices?

I would suggest a balanced tube preamp for a Pass and there are plenty out there.
All the "balanced" hype is pure BS.
This statement is false. To start with there is no hype. To end with, the balanced line system was devised specifically eliminate artifact from cables. If you like one cable over another in an audition, then you know what I mean by 'artifact'.

I am constantly amazed that there is any push back at all on balanced line- you'd think audiophile types would love a cable that is simultaneously inexpensive, tonally neutral, low noise and revealing, in any length. Why pay more for cables that don't bring home the bacon?

I am in the 'Tubes Somewhere in the system" camp.  Pass SS power amp and a tube pre is a sonic match made in heaven.  (I run an Ayon Eris into an X150.8).  ARC, Cary, Ayon and I am sure quite a few others.  Uber-tip:  A Pre with 6H30 tubes is liquid gold.
Cables:  Go for something cheap and cheerful. 
My OPINION....  Even if electronics are fully balanced from end-to-end, it doesn't matter.  The "balanced" effect is all myth and hype.  Noise is NOT appreciably reduced since it is in the system REGARDLESS of the design of the interconnects.  It is just there.  Shielding is the only way to help reduce noice, but it will not STOP noise.  So the bottom line is balanced is a complete myth and waste of money.  Better to spend money on good single-ended components with top performance rather than wasting it on balanced components.