Who has the best plasma monitor these days

I am looking to get a plasma monitor. I don't need a tuner within it. Just the screen. I have a cable tv supplier that already provides the HD tuner box with hdmi output. I am looking for a 42 or 50 inch screen. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks
Well I have to say that the picture on the 1150HD is every bit as good as I will ever need. I read over many of the articles on the difference of 720 vs 1080 and the only reason to get is blu ray. If you get a set like the 1150 the upscale makes it seem like 1080 and from a proper distance it is wonderful. It was interesting in reviews to see the reviewers comment that the detail on the 1150 was better than the 1080 sets
It's a great set; it should serve us very well for quite some time! Bottom line is the only thing better will probably be the 50" Elite coming out in July, and that will be twice the price of what an 1150HD is going for now (if not more). That's a LOT of cabbage. Will it be twice as good? Maybe, maybe not.
Pioneer has announced that they will no longer manufacture plasma screens. I don't think that means they won't sell them anymore, just that they will transfer production of the panels to another company. Hopefully the screen technology will be maintained and pioneer will still make the electronics.

I've been watching them for a while. I sure hope they don't take a turn downhill before I can buy one. Has anyone else heard any details?
Starting with the '09-'10 models they will be outsourcing the production of the glass to Matsushita (Panasonic). Panny has a much more efficient process for fabricating the glass. The ones built for Pioneer will be built to Pioneer's specs, with the technology for the glass licensed to Panny. Everything else (electronics, firmware, etc) is still being made by Pioneer and the sets will be built by Pioneer. Until Pioneer decides to stop building plasma displays altogether it will still be a premium marque for plasmas.
It look like the Pioneer will be only offering 1080p for their 2008 models in the 50" and 60" - it look like they are dropping the 720p and 42" for '08 - So, just curious what some of the Audiogon paid for their 720p (1150HD model) - I think I might get the last of the 720p model in June if the timing is good for me to purchase....