Dated but still A rated DACs

Looking to purchase a great sounding used DAC , unless I can obtain equal quality on a new one. Your thoughts?
Just FYI, Mytek seems to have some pretty significant growing pains.  Sounds like they make a great product, but if they can't invest in the business enough to respond to customers and deliver product you have to consider if this is a good investment down the road.  Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY much rooting for them.  But the audio trash heap is littered with great products that had no real long-term business plan or financing, which ultimately led to their failure.  I'd echo my previous recommendations for Bel Canto or Metrum.  Again, best of luck. 

Pass Labs D1, i havent found anything yet that beats it.

Very nice old girl for doing Redbook with,  r2r multibit ladder dacs PCM63K's x 4 and discrete I/V stage, only the PCM1702's and then the last 1704's betters the 63's.

Cheers George
You don't often see them come up, and when they do they're not as cheap as you would expect given their age.  But the Timbre DAC featured a sound that endeared itself to some who preferred analog to digital in a big way