breuer 5c tonearm

there is not much info to be found on this arm. i'm in the process of mounting it to my micro seiki rx 1500. i have sent my phono cable out to be re-terminated for the din connection. the din on the arm seems to have thicker pins than the standard din plug. anyone else have any experience with this arm? general recommendations? please share any experience that you have had with the arm.
I have a 5A (which is the arm) and the 5C (which is the fluid damping 'accessory'). As the plinth of my SP-10 is too high to allow the installation of the 5C, it still sits in its box. I have complete literature from Breuer (with whom I corresponded, back in the 80s). Let me know what you need and I'll scan/copy/whatever.

According to me Albert (Porter) is the best source for any questions

about Breuer himself as well his tonearms. Albert was importer for

the USA as well personal friend of Breuer. Back than I could not

afford ''whatever Breuer'' but well the so called ''beter Breuer''

(aka Sumiko 800, ''the arm''). Among other ''curious'' characteristics

Breuer was very obstinate. This is usual by people who ''knows

everything better''. So, for example, he refused to provide his

customers with any additional counterweight...

The Sumiko is made in cooperation between David Fletcher (the

engineer) and master machinist Demian Davidson. The arm is

hand made by Demian from 160 parts. The number was limited

to 500 samples. What is curious is the fact that they made 6

counterweights for the arm meant for carts from 6 till 23 g.

The idea being not only to produce ''universal arm'' but also

that for each cart the counterweight can be put on its ''optimal

place'' as near as possible to the pivot.

Because Sumiko is 9'' tonearm it was not possible to use the

arm with my SL 1000,mk2 (aka SP 10) so I removed Triplanar

from my Kuzma Stabi Reference and instatlled Sumiko instead.

I use Sony XL 44 l , retiped by Axel with boron cantilever and

Shibata stylus. The whole XL series designed by Mori has the

same generator with ''8 form coil former'' but different suspension,

cantilevers and styli.

Next to Ortofom MC 2000 the only MC cart which I bought thanks

Raul's recommendation. Unbelievable cart for about $400

(chakster are you ''listening''?).

Dear @generankin : Obviously you don't took in count that the question from the OP was in 2009 ! and today we are in 2018.


My Gosh, the most carts in the MM thread are from 70is & 80is.

In this context 2009 is more recent and more ''modern time''.