Von Schweikert vr-4 vs Stratus GoldI

Hello, I ve owned the Vr-4 Scheikert and found them to be Excellent, Sold them long ago.
Ive had the opportunity to hear the Psb Stratus golds and found them to be quite good as well. Anybody had a chance to AB them or something wish to chime in?
I heard the Stratus GoldI with Conrad Johnson gear many years ago. It was very nice. No experience with the VR-4's.
@hiend2 Coincidentally, I used to sell PSB loudspeakers. I won’t go into too much detail or provide any background unless you feel interested. I’ve also had a lot of interaction with the Von Schweikert VR4.

PSB built a first class loudspeaker in the Stratus Gold i. That said, with all but a very few amplifiers, they simply never wake up, and come alive. That allowed very few owners to actually hear what they purchased. The Stratus Gold i present a phenomenally difficult load for a partnering amplifier.

The VR4 came a few years later, in the early 2000s, and had a very good run. I felt they sounded quite good, though the hype around them, including some who often posted here about them, went over the top in relation to sense or reality. Unlike the PSB, they present a friendly load to the typical amplifier.

Because of the demand they put on the partnering amplifier, I recommend the VR4 over the Stratus Gold i to the vast majority of folks. One has far more flexibility in what they use while still enjoying good sound. However, put them in actual drag race, commit to giving each product what they demand, and I would choose the PSB for those who listen to loud or want to feel the performance, particularly with dynamic music

Thank you. Found a pair of vr-4. I had these years ago and loved them even after owning the vr-8's.