Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

I’m a hard core vinyl guy looking for guidance/advice to enter the digital world. (TNT, Lyra Skala, ARC PH5) My sole piece of digital gear is an Ayre C5xeMP (replaced my ARC CD2 that finally gave up the ghost).  

I acknowledge there is music I can’t hear/purchase unless its digital. (Have a sizable library of  CDs)  I also like the idea of streaming digital radio and having access of my CD’s from a server.  Finally, I get that digital puts out pretty good sound these days.

So what do I purchase? Looking at features, I really want something along the lines of some version of the  Naim Audio Unti Server. It rips, stores and broadcasts (server function in my lexicon), single box solution, and right price bracket. Only problem is it doesn’t have analog outputs so I can run directly from it to my preamp (ARC LS25).

What are your suggestions…help this old dog learn a few new tricks.


Forget Naim.  Get a Sony HAP-z1ex.  It has everything you need, easy to use and sounds good.  Analog outputs.  This is the best way to get your feet wet if you are not technical.

I have seen these used at trade shows on megabux systems.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I'm sure the Sony is a good piece, but it lacks the all important CD ripping function which the Naim has.  Big time error to leave this out of servers IMO.
Consider also,ripping all your CD’s using a Notebook or PC or MAC or Bluesound vault and connect a Aurender Music player/server to your system (also includes Conductor app, #1 for ease of use and best control over music files) for a real upgrade and something that would sound as good or better than your vinyl rig!


Matt M
The Bluesounds are nice players but they will not give you the sound quality of your Ayre. If you’re like me, you won’t want to rip all your cds. I just stick one in my cd player if I want to hear it.

In my view it looks like streaming may be where digital is heading. Once you get access to all that music for a very reasonable price, at present, I don’t know if it will stay that way, it’s pretty addictive. You can check out albums that you never would have bought and find out that some of them are really good. If not, you’re not stuck with a cd or file that you paid $10 to $25 for. If you like to collect music there are streamers with hard drives for downloads you purchase.

You probably want a streamer with analog and digital outs so that when DAC technology improves enough, and it will, or if you want to use your Ayre’s DAC you can keep the streamer and use the better DAC.

Aurenders seem to be popular streamers with hard drives, I use a Lumin which sounds pretty good but doesn’t have a hard drive. Nad has an M50.2, which is the big brother to the Bluesound products (Bluesound is NAD's budget line). There are many more. I’m sure others will have recommendations.

You want your digital music player to be fully MQA ready, whatever you get. MQA also seems to be where digital is heading. It’s for reducing the file size of high-res files so that they can be streamed and for correcting errors caused by digital recording and your DAC. Some around here are convinced it’s a scam but many pros say it does its job.
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