Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

I’m a hard core vinyl guy looking for guidance/advice to enter the digital world. (TNT, Lyra Skala, ARC PH5) My sole piece of digital gear is an Ayre C5xeMP (replaced my ARC CD2 that finally gave up the ghost).  

I acknowledge there is music I can’t hear/purchase unless its digital. (Have a sizable library of  CDs)  I also like the idea of streaming digital radio and having access of my CD’s from a server.  Finally, I get that digital puts out pretty good sound these days.

So what do I purchase? Looking at features, I really want something along the lines of some version of the  Naim Audio Unti Server. It rips, stores and broadcasts (server function in my lexicon), single box solution, and right price bracket. Only problem is it doesn’t have analog outputs so I can run directly from it to my preamp (ARC LS25).

What are your suggestions…help this old dog learn a few new tricks.

Did we help you out at all cmcdaniel?  If you're still not sure where to start, let us know and we'll give it another try.

+++ For keeping it as simple as possible.

I went with "separates" for my first stab at putting together a ripping/NAS/streaming system, and that meant updating and troubleshooting the individual parts when something stopped working. A nightmare, that wiped out the concept for me that digital is much more convenient than analog. All that stuff got boxed up, and now I'm looking for the simplest and best of solutions (maybe), hoping that what I pick will provide good long term sound and carefree operation. I too am an Old Timer and that's what I crave these days. Maybe, If I can't find a solution that allows me to step off this technological merry-go-round, then my old CD player missing any kind of operating system, is just fine.
Truthfully, I was thinking of going the server path until i bought an
Oppo BD105 and now I stream Tidal through balanced interconnects into my amp. I can pop a cd if I want to or stream music. And it sounds gorgeous and was Sterteophile Class A rated.