B&W Nautilus 800.....where's the bass?

Is it a well known fact that these speakers lack bass? I just bought them used...two years old....and am very dissappointed in the low end. My CDM 9 NT rears have more bass than these. No kidding. Is this a known problem with this speaker, or could there be something wrong? Since the 9's and the 800's are playing at the same time on the same system I do not think there is any need to list the equipment, but I will just in case it matters.
Sunfire Theatre Grand 2 processor ( all speakers are set to large)
Denon 3910 CDP
Adcom 300 by 7 ( 800's are bi amped with four of the channels.....phase is correct)
speaker wire is 14 guage in a very thick outside jacket
Thanks for your help.

"It is a subjective hobby, no one made Charlie101 the authority on the best speaker, there is no such authority, and your comments make you seem like an ignoramus."

Notice I said, "make you seem like an ignoramus"...

"The only things worth bashing on this forum are weasels like you who hide behind anonymity."

Weasles like you do ruin audio for the rest of us. Actions speak louder than words, I'm just putting some adjectives to your actions. I still don't see any name calling, "weasel" is the perfect characterization of your behavior. As you said, and I think you said it best, "one must consider the source I suppose". Indeed, "weasel" does fit you (the source) very well according to your actions.
Ouch!! Coming from you that means absolutely nothing. I've read your other posts and it is clear you have nothing meaningful to offer. So now it's my turn, you sir are an ignoramus.
"Coming from you that means absolutely nothing. I've read your other posts and it is clear you have nothing meaningful to offer."

Nothing? Why, dear sir, do you keep responding then? 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.'
Charlie101-You talk about having anything to offer,go back and read your 14 posts as I did and tell us all what positive information you have ever added to any thread.It seems to me you are just here on some kind of mission to attack one,rather to engage in some type of meaningful audio dicussion.FWIW--JMHO Kevin