New Technics SL1200G turntable

Can anyone offer any information about the TT?   It is fairly pricey, but the engineering of it seems to be first rate.  
Dear @invictus005: Now I agree with you about and now I know why Technics won. The Caliburn/SAT combo is faraway to be a first rate unit because the totuted SAT tonearm is a " shame " of. Please read what I posted somewhere after I made it the overall alignment calculations:


from your Stereophile review the SAT specs are as follows: P2S: 212.2mm, overhang: 22.8mm, offset angle 26.10° with an effective length: 235mm.

Those numbers tell us that you are listening ( with any cartridge. ) way higher distortion levels, that you just do not detected even today, against almost any other tonearm/cartridge combination.

Obviously that the SAT needs a dedicated protractor to make the cartridge/tonearm set up but we have to analize what those specs/numbers has to say:

the SAT maximum traking error is a really high: 3.09° when in a normal 235m Effective Length Löfgren A alignment ( IEC standard. ) is only: 1.84°

the SAT maximum distortion % level is: 2.67 when in that normal tonearm only 0.633

the SAT average RMS % distortion is: 0.616 when in normal tonearm only :
0.412 ( Löfgren B even lower: 0.37.

All those makes that the linnear offset in the SAT be 10mm longer than in a normal tonearm ! ! """"

along all those numbers/facts, the SAT CF material ( no maatters what. ) is way resonant for a tonearm and other not very positive SAT characteristic is that is a balnced design and we have to take in count that the SAT is a 30K+ tonearm ! ! ! 

So, yes that's why you and Mr. Fremer like it the Technics more.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@rauliruegas I'm pretty sure Fremer prefers SAT. In my opinion SAT is a garage product sold for an absolutely insulting price. If I have to buy a current production cost no object tonearm, it will be the SME V.