Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used

I currently have a Dynavector drt xvs1 and am looking to upgrade. In my experience, the TT has little to do with the sound.  I have a $400 Pioneer PL 71, and It gives me just as good of sound a my VPI-Scoutmaster .  I’m looking for a used moving coil cart around $5K. I like clear sound, not too bright, but very articulate and good tight bottom end.  Please give your suggestions and why.  BTW my phono preamp is a Rhea Signature with new low noise tubes.  Sounds great, just looking for the elusive unicorn
Lot’s of people like the Lyra Atlas for its spectacular sound- it is quite dramatic sounding, and i’ve heard it set up in some systems where, in combination with other components, everything was just that much more WOW, without sounding too splashy.
I have been using Airtights for the quite a while (had Lyras before) and like them-- not as "spectacular" -more fleshed out and they work well with my horn system- more midrange richness, not quite as spectacular in the highs or the bass (though the information is there, and presented well if on the groove).
Many people buy high end phono cartridges from japan- you don’t get support or return thru the manufacturer here b/c these are gray market goods, but the mark up on bringing these over, and providing a dealer network, support, etc. is significant. I have never done this, but others have and saved significantly. Given the cost of these things today, i’m tempted when I cycle out of my current model Airtight (Supreme) to do this with whatever their top grade model is- currently the Opus, which carries a big price tag.
Also, dealers here in the States can give you relief from the mark-up if you have a relationship.
Those are two cartridge lines I’m pretty familiar with and have had in my system. Some like the stone versions of the Koestus.
The hot ’cheapie’ is that Hana SL, which I haven’t tried.
Good luck- I’m hesitant to buy a used cartridge for obvious reasons. I don't mind spending money on gear that delivers but the price of the top cartridges has become astronomical--I don't think it is all mark-up or a rip off but it is kind of like bitching that Bentley replacement parts are expensive. I know others who think with the right arm, you can get away with a lesser cartridge. 
To Whart and Invictus005:
Thanks for your responses.  I think I had dirty ears or something last night.  My Urishi Black was sounding better than my XV1s and neither was sounding very good.  Maybe I'm getting an ear infection.
Did anyone else not receive the Discussion Forum threads last night?
Sorry I just can't get past the fact that you think the table doesn't  matter and that a 400.00 pioneer sounds as good as a VPI Scoutmaster AND that you are willing to strap a 5,000.00 used cart to the end of the latter to achieve best sound.

+1 With $5K buy new and any benefits that come with being the original owner. 

As a result of Benz Micro upgrade offers over the years I now have a Benz Ruby Z hanging off a $300, since restored, Well Tempered Classic.  
Of course the turntable matters, everything matters, but on the way up starting with a great cartridge allows one to experience turntable differences to a greater degree. High end reviewers are always trying a price wise mismatched cartridge with the turntable under review and often with interesting results.

Its your set Handy go for it!