B&W 703 - How to tame the highs?

I traded up my Paradigms studio 100s this past summer for these B&W 703. I find the highs on the 703 to be a bit harsh / bright. How do I tame them? I currently have them toed in slightly towards the listener.
>>I really thought it would hard to have harsh highs with tube equipment, but I do<<

All you need is a low quality speaker like the 703. You learned the hard way. Don't give up. Sell 'em and move up the audio food chain.

I am really begining to enjoy your outlook and your posts. Let's hope that solid advice does not fall on deaf ears.. Or would that be tin ears?

I agree with the other posts. It's time to sell the speakers and move on. It's tough to admit that you made a mistake, but we have all done it. I bought a pair of speakers once that just did not match the equipment that I already had. The highs were bright with too much sibilance. The speakers sounded great when I auditioned them, but just didn't work with my room, equipment, etc. I ultimately sold them, and bought other speakers. That was far easier than going to work on all my other equipment.

I have a speaker trade up situation with my dealer (Listening Room, Saginaw, MI). I can trade them up every year, recieved 100% of my money towards a more expensive pair. The 703 were the most logical upgrade (financially) this year. Next year, I can get into the B&W 800 series, or the Paradigm Signature line. I have found that in the past month or so, the highs are taming some on thier own, so it may be just a long break-in period.
Has anyone suggested this yet? Sell the speakers. If you don't like their inherent sound, no amount of tweaking and cabling changes will make you a happier listener.
Speakers is the component that will affect the sound of your system to a largest degree ( next to your room?). No cables change will ever affect the way your system sounds to the same degree as a new speakers.