Luxman L-509X

Any A'Gon readers from Japan listened to this new integrated? The specs and description seems like it could be an incredible piece. Though likely dependent on how good the pre-amp stage sounds. The amp section is supposed to be similar to the great sounding m700u stereo amp.

Clarification - The Luxman 590 AXII is 30 WPC Class A @ 8 ohms, not 60 like I said above though it is 60 WPC @ 4 ohms.
@rpeluso Me too owner of 509u.
Are you from Italy, isn't it?
I am not sure 509x can better the 509u, our amp was built with another kind of attention to perfection.
If I had to buy an integrated today (I will never change my 509u) I would buy a 509x without esitations anyway.

@pokey77  I was sure 509x destroyed 590AXII ... no dynamics, no image, no extension ... only midrange bloom!

Yes, it seems that the 509X is much better than the 590 AXII. Thinking back to that demo, the 509X has great bass response with a nice midrange. The treble is very clear but may be a bit rolled off compared to separates.
509u has no roll off.
Maybe it was a choice to make the new integrated "easier". 
509u was a "no compromise" machine, you had to work hard to find the right match with source, speakers and cables, it was very high sensitive to electricity quality and line phase... it was not an integrated "for all", but I like this way, the way of real hi-fi.