Amp for Dynaudio C4

..Need some suggestions on what amplifiers work well with the C4s..prefer SS..thanks
Hi Towntony,

Yeah I hate the Krell sound. However I haven't heard the Evo's so I can't comment. If you don't like Krell either and you thought they sounded great then that counts allot.

That's interesting about the Parasound. I don't like their sound either. I have found them to be very hard and brittle. However, again you had that model in your system so I defer to you.

Personally I have a bias for tube equipment. I had a CJ Premier 350 which wasn't perfect but I preferred to the Krells and Parasound that I owned before. The biggest problem with CJ's gear is that it can be a little dull on the top end. Also, it always sounds like it's a little bit behind the beat if you know what I mean. However I think it paints a beautiful picture and is the most tube sounding solid state amp I have heard. Overall I still recommend that amp if that's your price range. I ran them with my C4's and got great results.

Anyway, I have the VTL MB-450's run in triode mode only. They sound awful in tetrode. Tetrode mode introduces way too much distortion for the minor gain you get in dynamics and bass. Otherwise these amps are amazing. Not only are they neutral but they are exciting. The highs sparkle but are never harsh, the mids have that liquid smooth sound that only tubes give you, and there is unbelievable bass. I had a guy over the other day that thought I was using a sub with my system because they had so much bass. They also have great dynamics and transient response. I would take the risk of putting them up against the Krell or Parasound even though I haven't heard them. That's how much I believe in them.

Now I think there are other tube amps out there that are better. If I could afford them I would by the Wavestream's. However at $30,000+ a pair that's probably not going to happen.
There is not a market for tube or esoteric gear here in Oklahoma. Quite a shame really, but if there is no market, it doesn't make much sense for us to inventory it. Even if it's just for fun. The VTL amp you have in your system is outstanding...I give you that!!!

Interesting.....When running the VTL in Tetrode Mode at what volume level do you start to hear distortion being introduced?

When buying a speaker the caliber of the C4 or Temptation, I do feel one should not rush into an amplifier purchase. Try as many as you can providing you have a vast dealer network at your disposal. This is why I mentioned several solid state amps as this is what I know best. Certainly, a few tube amps are worthy of consideration as well. Not sure I would venture or recommend digital amp designs with the Dyn's, though.

Thanks so were your posts. They forced me to explain where I was coming from. I told you I wasn't an a-hole.

I was serious about the invite. If your in LA your welcome over anytime.
