How to properly put audio equipment on top of an antique buffet cabinet?


My granddad recently had to move from his house to a retirement home and I acquired some paintings and an awesome antique buffet cabinet. It’s a sturdy handcrafted piece, but the top is not entirely massive wood. I use two MDF boards as a bridge to host my NAD M2 and M50. I’m curious to learn from your advice on how to improve this.

- The units were next to each other as you can see in the picture, I’m still experimenting. What would be best?
- Should I search a marble or granite stone slab to put underneath?
- Is there some small audio furniture that could be used?

Thanks upfront,
Just get a rectangular granite or marble slab. No need for the two MDF pieces. I have used this method myself!
Don't put a stone platform directly on that nice furniture. You would need some footers under the platform for two reasons; protect the finish and for isolation from vibration.
And the platform should be one piece, not two individual pieces.

A different way to gain isolation is...

Isn't that a lot of weight with the components stacked?