How to properly put audio equipment on top of an antique buffet cabinet?


My granddad recently had to move from his house to a retirement home and I acquired some paintings and an awesome antique buffet cabinet. It’s a sturdy handcrafted piece, but the top is not entirely massive wood. I use two MDF boards as a bridge to host my NAD M2 and M50. I’m curious to learn from your advice on how to improve this.

- The units were next to each other as you can see in the picture, I’m still experimenting. What would be best?
- Should I search a marble or granite stone slab to put underneath?
- Is there some small audio furniture that could be used?

Thanks upfront,
Your beautiful  17th century style 1920’s built sideboard is a big heavy slab by itself. I see anything other than simple sorbathane or rubber feet taking away too much of the visual and providing no sonic benefit. Do not use felt as it is the old finishes that over time will absorb the texture and leave a mark.
Possibly Herbie's Tenderfeet. They are neither sorbathane or rubber.

And to the OP; please pull your speakers forward to improve imaging.
Thanks heaps for all the valuable feedback - amazing!

@roberjerman - I was considering a marble slab as replacement
@lowrider57 - I didn't consider the finish of the furniture :s Thx for pointing that out. Following your advice, I looked at the Svelte. One of the reasons I want something under my components, is that the cabinet doesn't have a massive top. It's with inlay and it's not that strong. The outer border is massive 4 cm (cherry?) wood. So a lot of pressure would come just in the middle of the Svelte, with nothing underneath. The components stacked are about 30kg / 66 pounds. With a marble slab underneath, it'll come close to 60kg / 130 pounds.
I'll take a look at the Tenderfeet, looks ok!
@dill - thx for the tip, these maple slabs seem to come in massive sizes only and I guess it'll look weird to have light wood on top of a dark wooden cabinet. No? 
The cabinet is not even on top, only the border is massive, in between is thin inlay wood, it's more decorative that way but anything that weighs anything can't stand there.
@sfar - hmmm is there any material that wouldn't leave a stain? There are some on the cabinet already due to it being used. I once placed volcanic stone on a locker. A year later, the wood was heavily damaged due to sulphur... so I'm cautious :)
@tomcarr - it's quite far away from the wall at the moment, I need to crawl behind it from time to time. Thx for the tip about the book, as you can see it's just in my living room with playing kids around, so limited options at the moment.
@reubent - The current "solution" has felt patches to stick underneath furniture underneath. Works like a charm!
@itjustme - would glass be able to carry the weight?
@stevea11757 - thx for the advice!
@twochannelami - you're a man of culture! I think that's rather spot on with regards to style etc ;) The problem is there is no massive heavy slab on top, only the border is massive. So I have to "bridge" the cabinet in order to put something heavy on top.

OK, so the construction of the cabinet changes things. You could use one large MDF base if you use the Herbies under the components. Even though MDF is not great material for sonics, the Herbies would absorb vibration and and the MDF would not influence the sound.

Or use finished bamboo as the platform. It is dense and when used under components it provides neutral sonics. Use Google to find the right size of bamboo.
BTW, using glass as a platform does not produce neutral sonics.