If you only upgrade one component in HT what is it

Pre Amp, Amp , DVD player?

I am looking to upgrade one component in my home theater. Where will I see the biggest bang for my buck. I have the Mitsubishi 57" Diamond DLP using wire world Silver squared flat HDMI, or Purist Audio Design Component with Ferox as interconnect. I have Sunfire TG II and Cinema Grand, Sony s9000DVP as DVD/CD/SACD, I also picked up a Denon 357 to try 1080p upscaling.

Any thoughts on what will make the best mose noticable Audio/Video change. My system is both my HT and 2 Channel. B&W 804s, HTM3S center each with Synergistic Spec 7. Sunfire sig sub and VR-1 von s rear. All interconnects and cables are maxed for my budget (all Synergistic and Purist Audio)


Spend $2000 (or whatever your budget is) on DIY room acoustics or spend a little more on professionally built room acoustics:


Doing proper acoustic treatments will improve the sound of everything you already have in your system and any future products you get will realize the same benefits.

Your system seems to be strong in all of the most important areas. So I cannot find any one component that I would upgrade. I placed in a corner and in a bind, I would say get a higher end DVD Player to complement your Sony DVP-S9000ES and for 1080p resolution from your RPTV, and I would relegate the Sony for audio duties only (i.e. -- SACD Listening). Aside from that, the only thing I can suggest is a couple of Power Conditioners to clean up the power that's going to your system (one for the audio and the other one for the video). Then afterwards, I would concentrate soley on the room/acoustic treatments.

Aside from what I said, I wouldn't make any wholesale changes to your system right now.

My $.02 worth.......

Upgrade your source. I've gone from the Denon DVD-5900, to Oppo, to the Toshiba HD-XA2. The Toshiba is in ANOTHER league in regards to the upconverting ability of standard dvd's. The sound is better than the Denon also. Use the HDMI to your Mitsubishi Diamond DLP, and you should see an eye-popping, almost hi-def picture.
If you then want to spend more, go with power conditioning.
Be aware however, that the best power conditioning units cost plenty. (IMO)