What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.
I E-mailed Mike regarding an order that I have pending and mentioned your name and your unhappy posting. Hopefully he will respond.

I know he's not great about answering voice mail messages left on his # at the office. Try E-mail maybe...

hello goners, its been 5.5 months since any comments about talon .. any news out there about the co. and circumstance surrounding them?>... they made? excellent product and ihope mike is still in business... any comments would be appreciative... thanks... ps. sent email on 5-11-06 and it was returned........
I'm certainly not "in the know" but things haven't looked good. Thier website is down. I've really enjoyed the talon products. I've got the early version of the ravens and a later version of the khites (center and rear). I'd love to complete the system with a ROC sub. Hopefully they'll be back.

SHERPA hello ,your right ,their product was excellent and still one to beat!i have the khorus x series 2 and wont be giving them up any time soon.. hope talon comes back, we will all benifit musically speaking ...
I agree Talon makes or made, whichever the case may be, incredibly musical speakers. I love my Peregrine X Mark IIs.