Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
although Im not convinced, yet, that it beats the others on the list?
Perrew (Answers)
Describe what someone could say in a discussion thread that would convince you? I suspect the answer will be nothing.

The point being, only you can determine which is best in your system, with your preferences, and with your loudspeakers.

Pick your loudspeakers first. Then, pick an integrated that will properly drive them.

High sensitivity, flat impedance loudspeakers will open up the possibilities to include many tubed integrated amps in addition to solid state and digital amps.

If you prefer conventional dynamic loudspeakers with an impedance curve that has several peaks and dips, then they will likely be driven most effectively with a solid state or digital integrated amplifier that doubles output as impedance is halved.

Of all the "top" integrated amps, none will necessarily beat any other. It's the speaker/amp match that matters, not the component alone.
Tvad's approach is a sound one.

Match a great amp incorrectly with great speaks and the results will be inferior. Match them well and for a reason and you're playing in the big leagues with many different combos.

Just look at the variety of outstanding systems represented on this site? Which is best sounding?

In the words of the great Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson:

"It doesn't matter which is best!"

I listened recently to the JRDG Continuum 500 was other than a few niggling concerns was reasonably impressed. My review was posted on the forum at

What was the hybrid amplification you refer to in your review that you were comparing the Rowland unit to with the MBLs?