I drive my QUAD 57's with VTL's TT 25's. I am interested if anyone has had success using QUAD 57's with solid state amps ?
I had a pair of Quad 63's driven by a 50 watt push-pull tube amp, and just for fun one day I tried a 40 watt pure Class A solid state amp. In this case, I preferred the Class A solid state amp (made by Clayton Audio).
Two local dealers here in michigan both used quad ss amps with esl's. I heard them once and it sounded great....
Hey Mikeyaya. I love your Vtl tt's. I wish they were around when I had my 57's, seem like a very synergistic match to my ear. Yes, I have driven the 57's with many amps,both tube and ss. The original Mark Levinson ML2's and the little bedini 25/25 were pure magic on the 57's.I ran stacked 57's for years AKA the Levinson HQD system minus the hartley subs. As a matter of fact,both of those amplifiers were sold to Quad 57 owners and are still being used in their systems today.The bedini was sitting in my closet for as long as I can remember. A local buyer with stacked 57's purchased it so he could mate it with his bedini to drive each panel per amplifier channel. I have a very good friend with a pair of 57's being driven by a old 30 watt advent 300 intergrated and it still mesmerizes me every time I visit. Another local guy has a pair driven by an old classe dr3 and it's truly one of the finest systems I have heard. And to qualify things here, I am a die hard tube amp kind of guy.All the best in your endevour here.
I drove my 57s with a Bedini 25/25 for a number of years and it was superb. I have also listened to the 57s with various Quad amps, 303 and 405, as well as a Bryston 3B and the sound was always very good. However, I do prefer the Quads with a good tube amp.