fritz loudspeakers

anybody out there know anything about these guys?
Is it just me? I always find something appealing about small 1 or 2 person shops that build quality equipment.
Here are my thoughts and feedback for those interested or unsure about this manufacturer:

I am very happy with my Fritz Carbon 7 speakers - I met Fritz at AK Fest, and was immediately drawn to the sound in his room. What impressed me the most was that simple good electronics is all that is needed to get great sound from Fritz speakers. No esoteric equipment needed.

The top end is smooth, not bright or artificially exaggerated in the spatial department like many speakers. Kind of like a Magnepan, maybe the top end is slightly rolled off, I am not sure, but that is my impression. The bass is strong and tight. As always, good stands will help in this department. Bass hits tight and hard. Very defined. No slop.

I got mine in custom finish, and the workmanship was excellent. If these were sold through a dealer network, I am sure they would cost at least $1000 more. Good Luck and Happy Listening.
I agree with Red2's comments. I just got the Fritz Carbon 7's in my home and they are spectacular.

I've got them side-by-side with the Totem Forests and I would easily take the Carbon 7's. The sound is just so open and natural, very life-like with accurate timbre. For a monitor, the bass is nothing short of amazing. These scan-speak drivers are really quality stuff. I will add more thoughts after I give them more time.
Yes, I asked Fritz the same question. There is an upgrade to the revelator tweeter (Carbon 7SE), but not for the woofer, he feels that the one he is currently using is ideal.