scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
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Just curious... in terms of information you are writing herein in response to the OPs post, why wouldn’t you just link to articles you’ve previously written? Wouldn’t your own time spent be better served if you were to perform your own cable reversal tests, listen for any audible differences, document same, and submit your findings as opposed to essentially re-entering all of your previous post?

>>>>Why would I test cables? I already know they’re directional. Wouldn’t it actually serve a better purpose if skeptics did their own tests? Skeptics already don’t believe in directionality, so they probably wouldn’t believe my test results either. As I said it’s not rocket science. 🚀 You just turn them around. It’s not that difficult. Really.

Why don’t I like to past posts on other forums? Wouldn’t you rather get the latest thoughts as opposed to ones several years ago? You know, just in case I’ve refined my ideas. Maybe not. 😬

Your point about not linking to old posts because you may have more current data to offer is a fair reply. Thanks.

To your point about knowing that wire is directional, I'm using Belden 5T00UP speaker wire. Would you say that wire is directional? And, if you answer yes, would you say you could *hear* a difference if connected one direction or another?

If you answer yes to both, I have a business proposition - directly related to this thread - for you (or anyone who answers yes to both questions for that matter). Broadly, the proposition involves either a blind or double blind test where it is my position that you *cannot* reliably hear a difference, and it would be your position that you could reliably hear a difference.

If interested, and if the amount is worthwhile (low five figures?) we can have our attorney's draw up the contracts, establish an escrow account and so on. 
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Wow attorneys and hi fi bets how very exciting.

I was hoping for man to man combat but oh well.