scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
Imagine how many audio/sound related claims would be disproved  if blind testing was used more often. 

Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand, says don't you see?
Trouble is blind tests don’t prove anything. Their sole purpose in life is to be pushed by pseudo skeptics in an effort to scare audiophiles into submission. Randi perfected that flim flam years ago. 

Trouble is blind tests don’t prove anything.

But they can disprove ridiculous claims.

Actually they can’t.That’s kind of my whole point. I’ll leave it to someone else to explain why not as I tire of repeating myself. 😛 True Believers 1, Naysayers 0, 
I think the reality is that many who maintain there are no differences between cables (or other things in audio) don't want to deal with the personal and/or financial implications of such differences being real. Denying differences are possible is their way of avoiding those implications.