scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
I will say I'm highly skeptical too. 

However, I can offer an anecdotal story inspired by nugat, who stated, "  It can’t be that difficult. Pharmaceuticals are tested that way. Either something works comparing to placebo or not. And the variables are really complicated there."

I knew a girl whose brother sadly had traumatic brain damage, and would get seizures without medication.  Well, somebody high up figured they could save money, generic is just as good.  It has to be.  It turned out if they gave him the generic medication, he would have seizures, if they gave him the name brand medication, he would not have seizures.  This was not an imagined difference, yet the generic was stated to be tested to be EXACTLY the same as the name brand.

So I am remaining open-minded on this, and I think it is fine if the debate continues.  At least from me, if I say, "I can't believe it," I'm only saying it sounds different from what I would expect, not attacking whoever is saying it and calling them a liar.

In my view, it really shouldn’t be all that unreasonable to expect that this same someone who professes superiority could detect whatever it is he/she feels is superior in a blind test.
It seems to me that those who are clamoring for blind tests should be the ones conducting the blind tests.
One also has to remember that a placebo'e efficacy in medicine is determined over the long run, and not with a minute of this and a minute of that, making an analogy to a blind test with cables a poor one at that.

That’s exactly right! Skeptics always demand that True Believers do the blind test. As if that will prove skeptics were right, after all. The skeptics never do the blind tests themselves. What are they afraid of? Like I keep saying, the only real utility blind tests have for audio is as a weapon wielded by skeptics in the war on “irrational tweaks” and “preposterous ideas."
Why would I deny or discount what I clearly hear, just because it doesn’t fit into someone else’s worldview? I don't need a blind test to prove to myself what I hear.

If I hear that one cable sounds better than another in my system, and post about it here, it is directed towards those who accept the possibility that there is a difference. I am not trying to prove anything to, convert, or convince those who don’t hear any differences and/or deny they are possible. Why argue with someone who has a firmly established contrary opinion? I am sharing my experience and saying that, if you are interested and open, you might want to look into it further, and maybe try it for yourself. Why can’t those who disagree respect that? Why must you rudely and repeatedly chime in and express your unsolicited opinion, which is likely already well known? If I see a post or thread of yours that I disagree with, but I don’t have anything relevant or useful to say, I move on.