Does It have to be loud?

Are you also under the impression that when people (or manufacturers) demo their equipment, they maintain sound pressure levels between 90-100 Dba. In general this is done in rooms being too small, and therefore the room will heavily interact with the sound heard in that room. Often, when you ask to lower the volume, the actual result is better, and –most likely- provides you with the information you were looking for. So, my question here is, do you also prefer to listen in the 90-100 dba range? Or do you –like myself- like to listen in the 70-90 dba sound pressure range? Of course, I’m referring to sound pressure levels at the listening position, which –in my case- is about 4 meter away from the speaker. 

This post of mine is rather apropos at this time, and for this particular thread, IMO.

Besides the fact that the new Stereophile Recommended Components issue is out and the Triton Reference is listed in CLASS A - FULL RANGE, and happens to be the **least expensive** member of that very-elite group, by a factor of 2x, consider the following very recent review from Audio Esoterica.

Among other accolades, read what the article has to say about lack of distortion and also "regularly cracking sound pressure levels of more than 100dBSPL at the listening position".


...No offences intended. Disagreement is healthy and that is how we all learn.


No offense taken, and I appreciate your making it clear none was intended. Additionally, to your point about disagreement being healthy and this is how we can learn, I agree with you completely. Thanks.

When I'm tired I generally listen at lower volume. When I want to "live the music" then I turn up until I find the "sweet or bloom spot"..........where the music comes out of the speakers and forms a sound stage. Every system has a sweet spot. You go beyond the sweet spot and ugly things start showing up...............boom in some frequencies, harshness in the treble and at times your ears can be overwhelmed..........just too much info at too high a volume. Recording levels are all over the place..........generally more modern recording are mastered much "hotter" than older classics so the actual volume control is going to vary. :-)
I attended the Capital Audiofest for the first time last Fall, and most of the systems on display were (IMO) playing way too loud, so loud that the midrange and above were "grainy" sounding, not musical or pleasing at all!  It was like the systems were "shouting" at us.
In some cases, it seemed that the equipment could handle the volume, but it was too loud for the room.
Having said that, some music only "comes to life" when played just above 90db or so, the impact of crescendo from a large symphony orchestra...and of course many rock and roll bands.  But when the system is "blasting", I found you can't hear any of the detail in the recordings, really detracting from musical enjoyment.