need help with speakers $1200 hopefully less

building audionote kits pre and monoblocks. need speaker. leaning to totem vienna acoustics meadowlark? others? what has happened to all the tyler speakers over the years?
I listen to Barber and Krall too, and with that music I'd especially want good imaging and soundstaging along with excellent midrange reproduction among other things. The Silverline Preludes would be a very nice option, and there's a used pair of Joseph Audio RM22s for sale that might be even better. Best of luck in your search.
For the kind of music you like (Jazz), small room footprint, and budget I would recommend you take advantage of either Totem Model 1s currently selling in Agon for $800.00 and $880.00 respectively. I doubt you will find a better speaker for your taste in music than the Model 1s.