scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
“What I’m stating (and by extension offering in the way of a challenge), is that in cases where a person claims to be able to audibly hear a difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed, the person who is making that claim would NOT reliably audibly hear a difference if said speaker wire were reversed WITHOUT his/her prior knowledge to whether or not the wire was actually reversed.”

>>>>That is perhaps the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard all day, which is saying something. I imagine that theory of yours should be filed under the heading, Wishful Thinking. It’s actually kind of the opposite situation. Folks who hear differences in sighted tests may often not (rpt not) hear them in blind tests because blind tests are inherently flawed - they are too complicated, too stressful, and are often run by extremely persistent skeptics, I.e., biased. You know, like The Amazing Randi. Not too mention there’s certainly reason to wonder about the listeners in many so called reliable blind tests. Where do they get them from - under a bridge somewhere?
I imagine that theory of yours should be filed under the heading, Wishful Thinking.
Theory or not, if I recall, you're not up for the challenge. 
You can’t cheat an honest man. 😛

Honest to the point of recklessness, self-centered to the extreme
You can’t honest a cheating man.

(I've no idea of the prior conversation, I'm just having a bit of fun in wordplay)